Please call to check if there is a space in your preferred class.
Yoga Classes on Demand
You don't have to leave the house to enjoy yoga with Deb. Roll out your mat and switch on your tablet or laptop. Once you have purchased your video package it remains yours to practice whenever you like!
8.00am ZOOM YOGA
Yin and Yang Yoga
A slower vinyasa class incorporating yin yoga and using props for myofascial release.
In your own living room!
CSV Yoga - a flowing, vinyasa class with an emphasis on core strength.
Battle Memorial Hall
Dance Fitness
St Peter's Community Centre, Bexhill on Sea
9.30am ZOOM YOGA
CSV Yoga - a flowing, vinyasa class focusing on mobility and strength.
In your own living room!
****** NEW ******
14 Days Of Yoga
Easy to access and the right length to squeeze into your day at a time that suits you.
You can purchase this package anytime and use it to suit your own schedule. Always feel free to contact me if you have questions!
Who Is This For?
Do you want to improve the way your body moves? Do you wake up feeling stiff and creaky? Does your body frequently ache? This course begins with a postural assessment - do you have tight hamstrings? Back pain? Lack of shoulder mobility? Poor core strength?
Each class offers suggestions, tips and stretches to reduce your pain and stiffness.
What Is Included?
6 x 15 minute sessions of yoga based stretching
6 x 15 minute sessions of yoga based strength
2 x 45 minute beginners yoga classes
How Do I Book?
The course costs £30 as a one-off payment. Book using the link below:
Book Here